Privacy Statement

This site is designed to ease collection of PTA dues. It is also designed to make a private network of parents, who can see other parents information.

There are some privacy controls, for example if you want to join the PTA but not allow other parents to know your name or contact information, you can enable that.

Members information will not be sold or made public or accessible in any other manner than with other parents, and as users explicitly make their information public to other parents.

In addition, this site abides by the National PTA policy Privacy policy .

Terms and Conditions

This site is used as a replacement for paper/cash collection of PTA fee's. It may be used for social networking and for parents for those that opt in. There are no guaranteed uptimes with the site, and no charges, no waranty or liabiliity assumed by the operator through your usage of the site. Please be kind to others. Those are the terms. Enjoy!

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